Only 2 colours, #483E48 for main and #70FD6E for green. The green is also bioluminescent.
Paws! They do not have feet, just paws. Digitigrade legs too.
Depending on the art style, teeth can be drawn if you want. An example can be shown below. The maw spikes will also overlap when the mouth is closed, as shown on the left Doff.
Thin nose, like a half way between a feline and a canine.
Normal fur colour but fades to the green at the end of the fur. Depending on art style it may also be done without any gradient and just show green tipped (Such as in this ref). The same also goes for the tuffs of fur at the elbows, chest and heels (Excluding the tail tip which is fully green).
No pupils, just solid green. However I do like seeing the creative ways artists draw their eyes.
Thinner dragon like shaped head but with a nose instead. Like how it is done below.